Monday, December 12, 2011

VIDEO: Meet a Future Member of the Speech Team!

Most of my friends know that I enjoy forensics.  Public Speaking.  The Speech Team.  I compete in Humorous Interpretation and Story Telling, and from time to time, Drama, Prose, Poetry, Original Oratory, Informative, and even Great Speeches!

This year, there will be five Drevlows competing on the Lincoln High School Speech Team-  me, Brett, Brayden, Brock, and Brielle.  We spend lots of time practicing our pieces together and working with our coaches and mentors.  Its lots of fun.

But...what many of you don't that we have a feeder program at the Drevlow house!  We also work with our younger siblings to get them ready for the future!  Here is a little flavor of our future team member, our sister, Bralynne, who is currently in Kindergarten and very excited about Extemp. Reading and Prose!  Just to forewarn you Story Tellers out there-  she has several stories, too!  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! Good thing I'm recruiting in the middle school. This year we will do some promotion in the elementary school as well....just to stay a step ahead? of the Drevlows. :)
